1. What type of
files should I upload?
We recommend
saving your designs as PDF files.
You may also upload the file in the following types: JPG,
Please also see our Templates page for more info and to download specific templates for our products.
2. What color mode should my files be?
If you send us an RGB file, there is a chance that a color shift may occur and you may not be satisfied with your job. You should always start and finish your designs in CMYK color mode.
3. What resolution should my file be?
4. How should I set up my bleed?
Bleed must extend .125" further than the cut line. Please keep all text and anything you do not want cut at least .125" away from the cut line. When sending an EPS or PDF file, make sure you include crop marks so we can cut the job correctly.Please also see Templates page for more info and to download specific templates for our products.
5. Can I upload the front and back in the same file?
6. How can I make sure the blue colors don't come out purple?
7. How should I export my PDF correctly?
these settings to make sure your PDF files export correctly:
Adobe PDF Preset is set to: Press Quality
Compatibility is set to: Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)
Compress Text and Line Art is set to: Off (Not checked)
8. What is rich black and how can I get it?
ink values. This results in a darker tone than black ink alone. If you
printing black alone as 100% K, the resulting black may not be as dark as
you might like. We recommend using C 60 M 40 Y 40 K 100. This will give you a deep, dark, rich black.
9. Safety and Trim Areas
As you are designing your printed material, keep in mind that any images or text should be placed within the safety or trim areas as noted on our free templates or 1/8” of an inch in from the final cut.
10. Font & Lines
Files created using Illustrator, In Design or Freehand require that text be converted to outlines before saving as a PDF file. Photoshop files should be flattened. Font sizes should be 8 pts and higher. Avoid using small or very narrow fonts with dark backgrounds as they do not print well. Lines should be at least 1 pt thick. Although you may be able to see them on your screen, they may not be visible on print.
11. Artwork with Borders
Borders are not recommended. However if you choose to use borders please allow 1/4" between the cut line and the border itself. Therefore, your border should be set up to 3/8” from your bleed line. Uneven borders may be experienced as there is a tolerance of 1/16”. Perfect trimming is NOT guaranteed.
12. Full Color Process
When designing full color files, please design using CMYK (4 color process; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). A grayscale color mode should be used when submitting black and white graphics or images. Any files that are sent as LAB, RGB or have additional PMS (Pantone colors) will be returned to the client. If you need us to convert the files for you, there is a chance that a color change/shift will occur. This commonly happens in blues and browns.
13. Image Resolution
In order to obtain the best image and text resolution we recommend that you submit files of at least 300 DPI. Lower resolution files will result in pixilated or bitmapped images and text.
14. Folding Lines
Free design templates are provided to assist you with your folded piece. Several folding options are offered.
15. How will you design my order if I choose the graphic design option?
You can design your own graphic file and have it uploaded with your order. We recommend using the templates provided by us to make sure that your bleed, size, color mode and resolution are correct. Click here to download templates for our products. Make sure to also read some tips on how to design a great business card.
Click to download templates.